The little piece of rope with beads seemed like a simple gift but it was so much more. The story behind it is of great importance. We have known Bruce Becker for many years. He often talks excitedly about the eye glass clinics and how effective they are for evangelism. Recently we had the opportunity to share in this ministry and experience it first hand and he was right. After the recent Roma conference Bruce and staff set up the simple clinic in a tent first then moved on to the churches of the villages. People lined up to get free eyeglasses. But they also got another gift, the bracelet. Bruce handed me a large bag filled with the colorful bracelets and a package of cards in Russian to explain. My task was to share them with the people. I quickly recruited Robie to be my assistant. He is a very energetic leader in the church and he loves the Lord. I shared the message card with him and the Pastor and explained that as the people came for glasses we would give each person a bracelet, tell them the story and pray with them. One by one the people came. As we placed the bracelet on their wrist we explained. The Black bead represents the sin in our lives. It is black and holds us in darkness. The Red heart bead. This is a symbol of the love of Jesus Christ. He loved us so much He was willing

The Blog
Return to Ukraine
Wednesday, March 30th, 2011Plans to return to Ukraine are now in process. In 2008 Dale helped Pastor Brugosh, Jason, and the men at the Radvanka church install a new gate for their fence. At that time a new friendship was formed. In May 2011 the church will be holding a conference. They have invited us to return to be part of the preparation and participation in this event. Lord willing we will be there along with a few other American team members. There is much work to be done that requires Dale’s skills. Janice will help with organization and be one of those speaking to the ladies. The conference is being hosted by the Radvanka Church of the Living God and Michigan Bridge Ministries. It will be held May 5-8. There will be great fellowship, lively worship, anointed teaching, and powerful prayer. There are building repairs to be done before the conference. Pray for favor and provision to complete the tasks. Our plans are to be stay in Ukraine for up to 3 weeks then we will proceed to Russia as planned. Look for more updates to come as God unfolds His plan.
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