“Jan’s Cans” is a catchy phrase started by Debbie Ostema for her Sunday School class in 1998. She wanted them to learn about and be connected with missions. By collecting returnable bottles and cans the children helped other children across the world. Little did she know, her idea would become a church wide project that would continue for years. Michigan’s bottle refund law makes it possible for funds to be raised to help orphans. Each refundable bottle or can collected through “Jan’s Cans” adds ten cents to the fund. Over the years these funds have helped to meet needs such as food, clothing, and medicine in the orphanages. In Russia children usually finish their high school at about age 16. At that time some of the orphan children are able to attend college but many go into the world to fend for themselves. “Jan’s Cans” have made it possible to offer help to these children as they transcend from orphan life to independent living. As we offer them practical help we also offer them spiritual encouragement through the love of Christ Jesus. Debbie and family moved but the youth group took on the project. Currently the missions committee continues the work. Last year someone designed a beautiful garbage can complete with Russian drawings to receive “Jan’s Cans”. It sits in the lobby at the Charlevoix United Methodist Church. During Venetian it sits near the church’s famous foot long hotdog booth. This is an example of a simple project that can

The Blog
Return to Ukraine
Wednesday, March 30th, 2011Plans to return to Ukraine are now in process. In 2008 Dale helped Pastor Brugosh, Jason, and the men at the Radvanka church install a new gate for their fence. At that time a new friendship was formed. In May 2011 the church will be holding a conference. They have invited us to return to be part of the preparation and participation in this event. Lord willing we will be there along with a few other American team members. There is much work to be done that requires Dale’s skills. Janice will help with organization and be one of those speaking to the ladies. The conference is being hosted by the Radvanka Church of the Living God and Michigan Bridge Ministries. It will be held May 5-8. There will be great fellowship, lively worship, anointed teaching, and powerful prayer. There are building repairs to be done before the conference. Pray for favor and provision to complete the tasks. Our plans are to be stay in Ukraine for up to 3 weeks then we will proceed to Russia as planned. Look for more updates to come as God unfolds His plan.
Kitchen Update
Friday, March 11th, 2011We often the comforts we take for granted are things others would consider a treasure. Last summer we built a kitchen for Pastor Yuri, something they never had. This week he sent the following message about the kitchen. “Every day our new kitchen pleases our eyes, it’s just quite a different feeling, much room, everyone feels comfortable. Children make their homework there, it is so good to observe everything through the window. The door works well, we host our guests at the big table, celebrate holidays, recall the time of our construction. I’m happy that you are coming. Maybe God let us do something else together.”
Thursday, January 27th, 2011Emily is the wife of Pastor Moses in Kenya. Together they are following a vision given to them by the Lord. In the village of Kamuyu where Moses grew up they have started Echoes of Mercy. They have adopted the village to help make a difference. With the blessing of a financial gift from a sponsor they were able to begin the work. Last April there was empty land now there is the structure of a church, a four room school house, and a mission house with office. The village now has a well with fresh water for all thanks to EOM. Orphans will have free schooling, jobs will be created, and widows will be helped. Spiritual life of the village is taking on a new level too. Emily will take on the job as administrator of the project. To do this she must take some classes at the local university. Fruit of the Vine was able to help provide for this education. Here is the response from Pastor Moses. Thank you for helping Emily with the Fee to join University….She will start her classes at Mt. Kenya University on Monday. She will be studying COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT AND SOCIAL WORK in preparation to be Echoes of Mercy Administrator. We look forward for your coming this year 2011.
Moses writes
Thursday, January 27th, 2011In a recent email from Moses he wrote…”You are all a blessings. I was in the village at Echoes Of Mercy and the impact you all made are still being remembered. They believe you are the coolest best missionaries that ever visited the village. Lot’s of love from the brothers and sisters in the village.”
Village speaking
Thursday, October 28th, 2010In America they ask for a 20 minute teaching, in Russia it is 40+, Kenya they asked for 3hrs. The Lord poured out what was needed. Deb and I took turns sharing then took lunch break and came back. They want us to come back again on Sat for more. Dale painted today at the school. Tomorrow Dale will speak to the men and Deb and I will visit the orphan school and visit widows. Awesome testimonies today. About 50+ women many walked from 5 miles away or more. We were humbled so much as we shared Jesus with them. On Sunday we will buy chickens and/or goats to deliver to those in need. Life in the village is so hard compared to our life in America. The perseverance of the people is amazing. I am humbled as I watch them each day. They share so willingly what they have with us and open their doors and hearts. We are blessed to be here.
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