News, Events, & Announcements
Marcums head to RUSSIA
It is hard to believe that we are once again returning to Khabarovsk, Russia. It has been a few years
MINISTRY to ORPHANS Echoes of Mercy Kenya
Those faces, you just can’t help but fall in love with those faces. Their smiles (maybe not for the camera
Bosnia Kitchen experience
During the past few years we have gone to Florida to escape the snowy cold northern Michigan winter. But it
Hungary Bible Museum 2015
Exciting things are happening with our Hungarian ministry partners. Pastor Gusztav Fodor and his wife pastor churches in two small
Russia Kenya connect Sept 2014
God has a unique way of weaving a picture. Often times we do not see it in the making but
What is a Zavalinki??…. by Dale
Upon our arrival in Khabarovsk we met with our host. She had a list ready for us of suggested projects